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You've stumbled upon my blog which is the companion to my website Ishah 'El. This site is intended to track my progress in starting a new multi-cultural theatre arts company and bring updates to devoted supporters and curious by standers. Check here regularly for posts on what I’m up to and how it all is faring, and you can join me by posting comments & encouragement. With that I invite you to become friends and enter into my world of art, faith, life & passion. Shalom.

P.s.- This is actually 4 blogs rolled into 1... why? I don't really know. Some sort of strange urge to make it multi-dimensional caused me to lay it out this way, yet people seem to never realize that there is an index at the right which will take you to other interconnected pages. Feel free to explore and share with others!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

japanese light

I've had this light bulb for some years now. I'm guessing it must be at least forty or fifty years old and my step-father bought it in Okinawa when he was stationed there while in the Navy. He gave it to my mother after they married in 1968. It has intricate glass flowers that light up inside the bulb and you can adjust the level of light inside beneath them. I'm not sure what you would use it for- we never used it for fear that it would burn out and end up being rare, valuable and impossible to replace.

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